Universiteit Leiden

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Matthew Longo

Senior Assistant Professor

Dr. M.B. Longo
+31 70 800 6601

Matthew Longo is Assistant Professor of Political Science at Leiden University.

More information about Matthew Longo

His research sits on the intersection of political theory and international relations, and focuses on several critical issues in global politics—borders, sovereignty, and security—or how states react to the challenges posed by terrorism and immigration.

Before joining the faculty at Leiden, he was the Clayman Junior Research Fellow in Politics and Political Ideas at St Anne’s College, Oxford. He received his PhD with distinction from Yale University in 2014 and was awarded the American Political Science Association's Leo Strauss Award for the Best Doctoral Dissertation in Political Philosophy.

His book, The Politics of Borders: Sovereignty, Security, and the Citizen after 9/11, was published by Cambridge University Press in 2017. His work has also been published in the American Journal of Political Science and Democratization, the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times and has been featured in the Washington Post and National Public Radio.

Curriculum vitae Matthew Longo

PhD supervision

Matthew Longo is available to supervise PhD students and invites PhD research proposals in the areas of:

  • migration & borders
  • political theory/philosophy
  • interpretive methods

See for more information on PhD positions:

Institute of Political Science: PhD

Senior Assistant Professor

  • Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
  • Instituut Politieke Wetenschap

Work address

Turfmarkt 99
2511 DP The Hague
Room number 6.03


  • No relevant ancillary activities
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