Integrated Project on physical violence and public order 2021
The student podcasts are back! Just like last year, first year students of Security Studies wrapped up their last block with the course Integrated Project 1.
As part of the programme's teaching philosophy ‘Explore, Understand, Do’, students were required to combine the knowledge and understanding they’d gathered throughout their first year, and develop an artefact aimed at addressing a present-day challenge related to physical violence and public order. Using the principles and methods of design science, students were given the opportunity to create business plans, change campaigns, policy papers, and finally: podcasts. In groups of 3-4 students, they worked hard on finding a topic and angle for their recording, then had to collect information, secure interviews and edit the final episode.
Since the students were following the course at the peak of vaccination rollouts, online interactions and strict lockdowns, it was no surprise that these themes majorly influenced the topics of the podcasts. Nonetheless, various groups also covered a myriad of other issues, such as institutional incarceration, organised crime and sexual harassment.
Professional & excellent
While the ongoing pandemic meant students had to face the adverse challenges of working online and doing interviews online as well, we were able to offer them an improved experience of the course due to newly acquired professional equipment. Through the Integrated Learning NWO grant, the BaSS programme has been able to purchase portable fieldrecorders, a live mixing board, as well as software which has greatly ameliorated the sound quality of the podcasts.
Needless to say, the students produced excellent pieces of work in just seven weeks. A selection of their podcasts are now available as a second season on your preferred listening platform – be it Spotify, Google Podcasts, Breaker, RadioPublic or Anchor FM.
Integrated Project 1
Integrated project 1 is a mandatory course for first year students enrolled in the bachelor’s programme Security Studies.
In this course students will be challenged to integrate the knowledge and understanding they have gathered in the first year courses and apply these to a case in a group project. The central theme of this course is physical violence and public order. Students will choose present-day challenges related to violence and public order, and will develop artefacts aimed at addressing these problems and rendering change according to the principles and methods of Design Science.
The two lectures will introduce students to the topics of violence and public order. In the first lecture the complexity of violence and public order will be unpacked by zooming in on key concepts, the scope, risk factors involved, as well as the actors and stakeholders that play a role when discussing these topics. The second Integrated Project lecture is geared towards giving students tools to study violence, help them select a researchable violence related problem to work on in the Integrated Project labs and introduce students to the available and proper methods to study violence. This lecture will build upon instructions given in the corresponding course Research Methods 1 on Design Science.
In the twelve labs student will study one particular artefact form. They will learn how these artefact forms can be used to generate change, which strategies can be employed and how to best address their target audiences. Specialists from the field will be invited to talk about their experiences with these artefacts and the topic of violence and public order.