Rosanne Turner
- Naam
- Dr. R.J. Turner
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 2727
- Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschappen
- Mathematisch Instituut
- Mathematisch Instituut
- Turner R.J. (14 november 2023), Safe anytime-valid inference: from theory to implementation in psychiatry research (Dissertatie. Mathematical Institute (MI), Faculty of Science, Leiden University). Promotor(en) en copromotor(en): Grünwald P.D. & Scheepers F.E., Härmä A.
- Turner R.J., Coenen F., Roelofs F., Hagoort K., Härmä A., Grünwald P.D., Velders F.P. & Scheepers F.E. (2022), Information extraction from free text for aiding transdiagnostic psychiatry: constructing NLP pipelines tailored to clinicians’ needs, BMC Psychiatry 22(1): 407.