Mahmood Kooriadathodi
Onderzoeker / gast
- Naam
- Dr. M. Kooriadathodi
- Telefoon
- +31 71 527 2727
- 0000-0002-4775-4745
Mahmood Kooria is een gastonderzoeker bij het Institute for Area Studies.
Onderzoeker / gast
- Faculteit der Geesteswetenschappen
- Leiden Institute for Area Studies
- SAS India en Tibet
- Kooriadathodi M. (2018), A Malayalam War-Song on the Portuguese-Dutch Battle, 1663. In: Kooriadathodi M. & Pearson M. (red.), Malabar in the Indian Ocean: Cosmopolitanism in a Maritime Historical Region. New Delhi: Oxford University Press. 141-171.
- Kooriadathodi M. (2018), The Dutch Mogharaer, Arabic Muḥarrar, and Javanese Law Books: A VOC Experiment with Muslim Law in Java, 1747–1767, Itinerario 42(2): 202-219.
- Kooriadathodi M. & Ravensbergen S. (2018), Introduction: The Indian Ocean of Law: Hybridity and Space, Itinerario 42(2): 164-167.
- Kooriadathodi M. (2018), Texts as Objects of Value and Veneration, Sociology of Islam 6(1): 60--83.
- Kooriadathodi M. (2018), Transoceanic Africa-Asia connections, The Newsletter (International Institute for Asian Studies, Leiden) 80: 42-43.
- Kooriadathodi M. (2018), Uses and Abuses of the Past: An Ethno-History of Islamic Legal Texts, Oxford Journal of Law and Religion 7(2): 313–338.
- Kooriadathodi M. (2018), Words of ʿAjam in the World of Arab: Translation and Translator in Early Islamic Judicial Procedure. In: Rabb I. & Balbale A. (red.), Justice and Leadership in Early Islamic Courts. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
- Kooriadathodi M. & Ravensbergen S. (2018), “I Find it Very Claustrophobic to be Stuck in a Small Place”: An Interview With Engseng Ho, Itinerario 42(2): 151-163.
- Kooriadathodi M. (2017), An Abode of Islam under a Hindu King: Circuitous Imagination of Kingdoms among Muslims of Sixteenth-Century Malabar, The Journal of Indian Ocean World Studies 1(1): 89-109.
- Kooriadathodi M. (14 december 2016), Cosmopolis of law: Islamic legal ideas and texts across the Indian Ocean and Eastern Mediterranean Worlds (Dissertatie. Institute for History, Humanities, Leiden University). Promotor(en): Gommans J.J.L.