Natashe Lemos Dekker
Postdoc / Lecturer
- Name
- Dr. N. Lemos Dekker
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 3451
- 0000-0001-5523-4523
Natashe Lemos Dekker is a postdoctoral researcher at the Leiden Institute of Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology. Her research focuses on death and dying, end-of-life care, and dynamics of time and future-making in Europe and Latin America. Her work is situated within medical and psychological anthropology, the anthropology of time, and gender studies.
More information about Natashe Lemos Dekker
Death’s Social and Material Meaning beyond the Human
Palliative care
Standardising care of the dying: An ethnographic analysis of the Liverpool Care Pathway in England and the Netherlands
Anticipatory Grief in Dementia: An Ethnographic Study of Loss and Connection
Relating to the end of life through advance care planning: Expectations and experiences of people with dementia and their family caregivers
(Un)timely Crises: Chronotopes and Critique
Anticipating an unwanted future: euthanasia and dementia in the Netherlands
Natashe Lemos Dekker is a postdoctoral researcher in the ERC project “Globalizing Palliative Care? A Multi-sited Ethnographic Study of Practices, Policies and Discourses of Care at the End of Life” at Leiden University. She has extensive experience in research on end-of-life and palliative care, aging, dementia, normativity and temporalities.
She was awarded her PhD in anthropology by the University of Amsterdam for her thesis titled: “Timing Death: Entanglements of Time and Value at the End of Life with Dementia in the Netherlands”. In 2016, she was a visiting scholar at the Faculté des sciences infirmières at the Université de Montréal. Currently, she is a board member of the Medical Anthropology Europe Network of the EASA. She has given invited talks at the Freie Universität, Berlin, the University of Exeter, the University of Bristol, and the Université de Montréal.
Her article, Anticipating an unwanted future: Euthanasia and dementia in the Netherlands was published in JRAI and was awarded with the Scholars’ Medal by the Association for the Study of Death and Society (ASDS) and the 1st Prize INTERDEM Academy Publication Award 2020-2021. She co-edited a special issue with Annette Leibing on Fallacies of Care in the Journal of Aging Studies. Her publications also include: Competing goods and Fallacies of Care: Moral Deliberations at the End of Life in the Nursing Home (Journal of Aging Studies); Moral frames for lives worth living: Managing the end of life with dementia (Death Studies); Palliative care for people with dementia in the terminal phase: qualitative studies to inform service development (BMC Palliative Care, co-authored); and Standing at the doorstep: Affective encounters in research on death and dying in the volume Affective dimensions of fieldwork and ethnography (Springer). She also co-edited a Palgrave Pivot on (Un)timely Crises: Chronotopes and Critique.
In her current research, Natashe focuses on end-of-life and palliative care in a context of rapid aging in Brazil. She asks how care for the dying is provided and accessed both in hospital and home settings, and aims to understand the experiences of elderly people of living toward the end of life. The research contributes to the overarching aim of the project to offer a medical anthropological approach to the globalization and cultural mediation of palliative care practices, policies, and discourses. It does so by examining how local end-of-life care practices impact palliative care and how globally circulating discourses of palliative care are transforming local notions of death and dying; and how palliative care practices, policies and discourses are translated, adapted and reconstituted in the Brazilian socio-cultural context.
Her PhD research at the University of Amsterdam focused on the entanglements of time and moral value at the end of life with dementia in the Netherlands. Based on ethnographic fieldwork in nursing homes, she argued that the pursuit of a good death with dementia is both a temporal and moral project: experiences of time (such as waiting, enduring, prolonging, and hastening), as well as efforts to find the “right” time, play a central role in the pursuit of a “good” death with dementia. Moreover, this research foregrounds the role of anticipation in how people live toward the end of life and shows how managing the end of life is part of future-making.
Natashe coordinated a subproject on the impact of social isolation on vulnerable older adults during COVID-19 in the Netherlands as part of the overall project ‘Social Isolation: The impact of Covid-19 on social vulnerable groups in the Netherlands’ (ZonMw). See
For more information about Natashe's past and current projects see:
Postdoc / Lecturer
- Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
- Culturele Antropologie/ Ontw. Sociologie
- Goeree N., Lemos Dekker N., De Reuver Y., Haagen J.F.G. & Vermetten E. (2023), Shaping hope in everyday life: experiences of veteran spouses with post‐deployment mental health issues, Ethos : 1-15.
- Samuels A. & Lemos Dekker N. (2023), Palliative care practices and policies in diverse socio-cultural contexts: aims and framework of the ERC globalizing palliative care comparative ethnographic study, Palliative Care and Social Practice 17: .
- Lemos Dekker N. (2023), Palliative care. In: Bhandari R. (Ed.), The open encyclopedia of anthropology. The Open Encyclopedia of Anthropology.
- Lemos Dekker N. & Bolt S.R. (2022), Relating to the end of life through advance care planning: expectations and experiences of people with dementia and their family caregivers, Dementia : .
- Lemos Dekker N. (2022), Anticipatory grief in dementia: an ethnographic study of loss and connection, Culture, Medicine & Psychiatry : .
- Nishimura M., Harrison Dening K., Sampson E.L., Iglesias de Oliveira Vidal E., Correia de Abreu W., Kaasalainen S., Eisenmann Y., Dempsey L., Moore K.J., Davies N., Bolt S.R., Meijers J.M.M., Lemos Dekker N., Miyashita M., Nakanishi M., Nakayama T. & Steen J.T. van der (2022), Cross-cultural conceptualization of a good end of life with dementia: a qualitative study, BMC Palliative Care 21: .
- BorgstromE. & Lemos Dekker N (2022), Standardising care of the dying: an ethnographic analysis of the Liverpool Care Pathway in England and the Netherlands, Sociology of Health & Illness : .
- Lemos Dekker N & Behar R (29 November 2022), Writing Life (no. 21): An interview with Ruth Behar. Writing Life: Somatosphere. [blog entry].
- Lemos Dekker N. (2021), Anticipating an unwanted future: euthanasia and dementia in the Netherlands, Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 27(4): 1-17.
- Lemos Dekker N. (13 February 2021), Describing time in writing: a shift towards the written statement in euthanasia with dementia. . Describing time in writing: a shift towards the written statement in euthanasia with dementia. . [blog entry].
- Boletsi M., Lemos Dekker N., Mika K. & Robbe K. (Eds.) (2021), (Un)timely Crises: Chronotopes and Critique. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Boletsi M., Mika K., Robbe K. & Lemos Dekker N. (2021), Introduction. In: Boletsi M., Lemos Dekker N., Mika K. & Robbe K. (Eds.), (Un)timely Crises Chronotopes and Critique. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan. 1-11.
- Lemos Dekker N., Dam A. van, Arteaga I., Llewellyn H., Karathanasis P. & Bryant R. (2021), Navigating Chronic Crisis. In: Boletsi M., Lemos Dekker N., Mika K. & Robbe K. (Eds.), (Un)timely Crises Chronotopes and Critique. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan. 13-21.
- Mika K., Boletsi M., Robbe K. & Lemos Dekker N. (2021), Epilogue: The Ends of Crisis. In: Boletsi M., Lemos Dekker N., Mika K. & Robbe K. (Eds.) (Un)timely Crises Chronotopes and Critique. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan. 91-96.
- Steen J.T. van der, Jongen E.A., Lemos Dekker N., Bagchus L., Pasman H.R.W., Onwuteaka-Philipsen B.D. & Achterberg W.P. (2021), Nurse-physician communication around identifying palliative care needs in nursing home residents, JAMDA 23(2): .
- Lemos Dekker N. Pols J. (2020), Aspirations of home-making in the nursing home. In: Pasveer B., Synnes O. & Moser I. (Eds.), Ways of Home Making in Care for Later Life: Palgrave Macmillan. 183-201.
- Samuels A & Lemos Dekker N. (18 November 2020), Globalizing Palliative Care. Globalizing Palliative Care: European Association of Palliative Care. [blog entry].
- Klapwijk M.S, Lemos Dekker N, Caljouw M.A.A., Achterberg W. A & Steen J.T. van der (2020), Experiences with the Liverpool care pathway for the dying patient in nursing home residents: a mixed-method study to assess physicians’ and nurse practitioners’ perceptions, BMC Palliative Care 19: 183.
- Mathijssen B. Hoondert M. Lemos Dekker N. Pijl Y. van der. Westendorp M. Klaufus C. Visser R. (28 April 2020), In de greep van de dood: Sterven en afscheid in tijden van corona. [blog entry].
- Lemos Dekker N. Vermeulen L. Pols J., In and outside the nursing home: On the (im)possibilities of meaningful contact while being held apart. In and outside the nursing home: On the (im)possibilities of meaningful contact while being held apart: Somatosphere. [blog entry].
- Doolan R., Lemos Dekker N., Christiani A., Schravendijk M. van, Geel S. van, Morris L., Smits C., Wolters T. & Kolste R. (2020), Effecten van sociale afstand op zelfstandig wonende kwetsbare ouderen. Nederland: Ben Sajet Centum.
- Lemos Dekker N., Schravendijk M. van, Christiani A., Smits C., Geel S. van & Doolan R. (18 August 2020), Kwetsbare ouderen kunnen niet deelnemen aan coronaversoepelingen. Kwetsbare ouderen kunnen niet deelnemen aan coronaversoepelingen. . Nederland: Sociale Vraagstukken. [blog entry].
- Lemos Dekker N, Doolan R, Christiani A, Schravendijk M van, Geel S van, Morris L, Smits C, Wolters T & Kolste R (2020), De impact van de coronamaatregelen op kwetsbare ouderen en mantelzorgers. Nederland: Ben Sajet Centum.
- Lemos Dekker N. (2019), Competing goods and Fallacies of Care: Moral Deliberations at the End of Life in the Nursing Home, Journal of aging studies 51: 1-5 (100798).
- Leibing A. & Lemos Dekker N. (2019), Fallacies of care : a short introduction, Journal of aging studies 51: 100795.
- Perfect D., Griffiths A.W., Vasconcelos Da Silva M., Lemos Dekker N., Graham E.H. & Surr C.A. (2019), Collecting self-report research data with people with dementia living in care homes: benefits, challenges, and best practices, Dementia : .
- Lemos Dekker N. (2019), Standing at the doorstep: Affective encounters in research on death and dying. In: Stodulka T., Thajib F. & Dinkelaker S. (Eds.), Affective dimensions of fieldwork and ethnography. New York: Springer.
- Borgstrom E., Lemos Dekker N. & Hoare S. (2018), What the social sciences have to offer palliative care, European Journal of Palliative Care 25(3): 109-111.
- Lemos Dekker N. (2018), Moral frames for lives worth living : managing the end of life with dementia, Death Studies 42(5): 322 - 328.
- Lemos Dekker N., Gysels M. & Steen J.T. van der (2017), Professional caregivers’ experiences with the Liverpool Care Pathway in dementia: an ethnographic study in a Dutch nursing home, Palliative and Supportive Care 16(4): 479-486.
- Steen J.T., van der, Lemos Dekker N., Gijsberts M.H.E., Vermeulen L.H., Mahler M.M. & The B.A.M. (2017), Palliative care for people with dementia in the terminal phase: a mixed-methods qualitative study to inform service development, BMC Palliative Care 16: 28.