Andries Hiskes
PhD candidate
- Name
- Dr. A.R. Hiskes MA
- Telephone
- +31 71 527 2727
Andries Hiskes is a PhD researcher at the Leiden University Centre for Arts in Society.
More information about Andries Hiskes
Bodies considered disabled or deformed may elicit strong affective responses: they may shock us, disgust us, evoke sympathy or make us laugh for example. In my NWO-funded research, I examine literature and art in which affective responses to these deviant bodies are represented, focusing on what the artwork does, how it works, and is constructed to elicit such responses. Concurrently, through this emphasis on emotional and affective responses provoked by disabled bodies, I explore how art may manipulate such responses.
Curriculum vitae
2018-present: Lecturer at the department of Nursing, The Hague University of Applied Sciences
2017-present: Ph.D. researcher at LUCAS, Leiden University
2015-2018: Lecturer at the department for Information and Media Studies, The Hague University of Applied Sciences
2013-2015: MA Media Studies - Comparative Literature and Literary Theory, Leiden University
PhD supervision
- Prof. Dr. Frans-Willem Korsten (Leiden University / Erasmus University Rotterdam)
- Dr. Jules Sturm (Zurich University of the Arts)
PhD candidate
- Faculty of Humanities
- Centre for the Arts in Society
- Literatuurwetenschap
- Hiskes A.R. (16 April 2024), Disability and its affective affordances: deformity, decay, disruption, distortion (Dissertatie. Leiden University Centre for the Arts in Society (LUCAS), Faculty of Humanities, Leiden University). Supervisor(s) and Co-supervisor(s): Korsten F.W.A., Sturm J.
- Hiskes A.R. (2022), Een sprekende poëzie: affectieve ascese in het werk van Jeroen Mettes. In: Bluijs S. & Ieven B. (Eds.), Vluchtlijnen van de poëzie. SEL-Reeks no. 16. Ghent: Academia Press. 179-194.
- Hiskes A.R. & Shimon O.B. (2022), Stuck together: a correspondence on protocols between scholars and objects, Somatechnics 12(3): 185-199 (4).
- Hiskes A.R. (2021), Prosthetic performatives: Reading disability’s discomfort through emotives and affect patterns in Jane Eyre, Textual Practice 35(12): 1941-1956.
- Uden J.C. van, Hiskes A.R. & Zwakman M. (2021), Verwaarloosde Lijven, Tijdschrift voor Begeleidingskunde 10(1): 14-21.
- Hiskes A.R. (2021), De Potentie van de Beperking: Een Spinozistische visie op de relatie tussen handicap, politiek en kunst, Rekto:Verso, Tijdschrift voor Kunstkritiek (91): 94-98.
- Hiskes A.R. (2021), Semblances of intimacy: separating the humane from the human in Blade Runner 2049, Journal of Posthuman Studies 5(1): 19-38.
- Hiskes A.R., Dikken J., Renden P.G. & Heemskerk W. (2020), Design thinking: Onderzoeksmethode voor studenten verpleegkunde, Onderwijs & Gezondheidszorg 44(2): 22-24.
- Hiskes A.R. (2020), LUCAS Explains #8. Stop Staring: How to change the way disabled bodies fit into the world by altering our own view? (LUCAS). [other].
- Kleiter C., Riedinger M., Mosseri E., Fischer D., Vergeer T., Hendrikx S.M., Oudshoorn M.A., Guan Z., Hiskes A.R., Jansen L.M., Muitjens G., Nakamura J.P., Tissen L.N.M. & Polak S.A. (Eds.) (2020), Animals (Un)tamed: Human-Animal Encounters in Science, Art, and Literature. Journal LUCAS Graduate Conference. Leiden.
- Hiskes A.R. (2019), The Affective Affordances of Disability, Digressions: Amsterdam Journal of Critical Theory, Cultural Analysis, and Creative Writing 3(2): 5-17.
- Hiskes A.R. (2019), Disabling Language and the Nuances of Stigmatization, American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 10(2): 94-96.
- Hiskes A.R. (2019), Het Medische Model en het Sociale Model in Disability Studies: een introductie.
- Hiskes A.R. (21 November 2019), Drawn to deviance: the deformed body exhibited. Leiden: Leiden Arts in Society Blog. [blog entry].
- Hiskes A.R. (2017), Grotesque Genius: The Aesthetics of Form and Affect in Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein. In: Boletsi M. & Sage T. (Eds.), Subjects Barbarian, Monstrous, and Wild: Encounters in the Arts and Contemporary Politics. Thamyris/Intersecting: Place, Sex and Race no. 32. Leiden and Boston: Brill. 165–179.
- Hiskes A.R. (14 November 2017), Gevoelig op verzoek. Amersfoort: Disability Studies in Nederland. [blog entry].