Universiteit Leiden

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Alberto Pereira Arias

Professor Internal Medicine, in particular endocrine tumours

Prof.dr. A.M. Pereira Arias
+31 71 526 3082

Professor of Medicine, in specific endocrine tumors. Head of the Division of Endocrinology, and chair of the Center for Endocrine Tumors Leiden, a national expertisecenter for endocrine tumors. President of the European NeuroEndocrine Association (ENEA, 2016-2018) en coordinator European Reference Network for Rare Endocrine Conditions (Endo-ERN, 2017-2022).

More information about Alberto Pereira Arias

Endocrine tumors

The Chair is directed towards integration of care, education, and research of endocrine tumors, This is based in a multi-disciplinary center, The Center for Endocrine Tumors Leiden, and is characterized by:

Topreferal care. Endocrine tumors are so  complex that care for these conditions should be centraized. Endocrine tumors require specific expertise, multidisciplinarity en innovative care concepts. LUMC is a leading national and internationaal center for endocrine tumors. 

Research. Given the unique biology and specific clinical behaviorn endocrine tumors provide opportunities for molecular genetics and diagnostics, the development of targeted therapies, but alsof or clinical decision making. LUMC has establised a firm tradition in the field of these conditions.

Societal positioning. Endocrine tumors are rare disease and are considered ‘orphan’ diseases.  The societal profiling of LUMC is very strong by taking the responsibility for this specific group of conditions.

My mission is to improve the care for patients with rare endocrine conditions, through optimal alignment and integration of all care professionals and researchers

Academic career

Alberto M. Pereira (Uruguay 23 nov 1966) studied Medicine at the University of Amsterdam (MD 1992) and specialized in internal medicine and endocrinology at the MAC in Amsterdam (board certified 1 april 2000). His PhD degree was obtained at the University of Amsterdam on 27 june 2000 with the thesis entitled: ‘regulation of glucose production in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus’ ( Promotors: prof.dr HP Sauerwein en prof.dr JA Romijn). Since his transfer to LUMC in 2000 his research focuses on the long-term consequences of pituitary disease, and in specific, on the effects of stress hormones on the brain. In 2006-2007 he did a postdoctoral Fellowship at the Gorlaeus Laboratory (Leiden/Amsterdam Center of Drug Research, Leiden (Head: Prof.dr. ER de Kloet). He was appointed professor of medicine, in specific for endocrine tumors, at Leiden University per 1 nov 2012. The oration, entitled: ‘the care about stress’ was held on 22 november 2013. He was (co)promotor of 15 PhD kandidaten (3 cum laude) (2018).

Prizes and honourable appointments

Chair of the Dutch National Pituitary Network (2014-2018), Honorary & Visiting Professor, University of Belgrade, Serbia (nov 2015)
President of the European Neuro-Endocrine Association (ENEA) 2016-2018, and Coordinator of the European Reference Network on Rare Endocrine Conditions (2017-2022)

Professor Internal Medicine, in particular endocrine tumours

  • Faculteit Geneeskunde
  • Divisie 2
  • Interne Geneeskunde
  • Endocrinologie

Work address

LUMC Main Building
Albinusdreef 2
2333 ZA Leiden
Room number C4-R



  • EU: European Reference Network for Rare Endocrine conditions Coordinator
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