Universiteit Leiden

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Leiden Academic Centre for Drug Research


Our educational programmes span the entire spectrum of pharmaceutical education, from training of the next generation drug researchers in the areas of drug design, drug action, and drug use to educating the pharmacists of the future.

We are committed to providing meaningful, rigorous and quality graduate experiences in a personalized environment with a cutting edge research infrastructure and internationally renowned supervisors.

Bachelor programme Bio-Pharmaceutical Sciences

The Bachelor's programme of Bio-Pharmaceutical Sciences (BPS) is a prograamme that aims to train students in cutting-edge laboratory research applying techniques in a broad range of the drug design process. . In the first semester of the third year, students can choose a minor or opt for the bachelor BPS and Pharmacy specialisation.

Read more about the BSc programme (in Dutch)

Master programme Bio-Pharmaceutical Sciences

Students in the Master’s programme in Bio-Pharmaceutical Sciences (BPS) of Leiden University are trained for a scientific career in drug research and development. Depending on their interests, students can choose from seven specializations to further extend their scientific training and theoretical background or supplement it with other subjects and training.

Read more about the MSc programme (in English)

Read more about the Research Projects in the MSc programme 

Master programme Pharmacy

Since September 2016 the LACDR and the Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC) offer together a master programme Pharmacy (in Dutch). The programme combines the strong scientific foundation of the bachelor Bio-Pharmaceutical Sciences with Pharmacy experience-based learning and a strong focus on pharmaceutical patient care and pharmaceutical treatment.

Read more about the MSc programme (in Dutch)

LACDR PhD programme

The  objective of the PhD Education and Supervision programme is to educate PhD candidates in becoming professionals who are competent to independently conduct scientific research in the field of the pharmaceutical sciences. The program constitutes the basis for guiding PhD candidates in their research leading to a successful defense of their PhD dissertation within the set period. 

Read more about the LACDR PhD programme 

Administrative procedures, rules and regulations

Here you can find the general regulations for the registration procedures for bachelor and master programmes, as well as for for exams and courses. Additionally, you will find the uSis-manual Course and Examination Regulations (OER), the Rules and Regulations (R&R) and the rules about the various examinations and practicals.

Read more 

Research environment

Our MSc students are taken up as members of our institute thus providing an ideal environment for our philosophy; You can best learn science by doing science together with fellow junior and senior scientists.

Array of disciplines

Students can expand their intellectual horizons while deepening their expertise in an array of disciplines. They can learn about the fundamentals of Bio-Pharmaceutical Sciences in a compelling and challenging environment. Disciplinary and interdisciplinary challenges provide a unique learning and research environment for our graduate programme.

Small groups

Courses and working classes concern small groups, while the students are in one-to-one contact with a staff member during their research periods. We are committed to show that a graduate study in Bio-Pharmaceutical Sciences is professional in its core.

International environment

The Leiden Graduate School of Science aims to provide an international academic environment with an appreciable number of master and PhD students from abroad. Moreover the same applies to the scientific staff and the post-doctorate fellows. English is the language used in courses, the colloquia, the scientific meetings and the daily conversations that take place in the research groups.


Many of our graduates consider their years of education at Bio-Pharmaceutical Sciences and the LACDR to be some of the most fulfilling years of their professional lives. Our MSc and PhD alumni go on to hold positions in the front ranks of research and teaching, policy and administration across the world.

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