Conversion of renewable raw materials on platinum shows unexpected behaviour 04 March 2019
The electrochemical reduction of a group of organic compounds on platinum is strongly dependent on the arrangement of the atoms in the platinum surfac...
Two cum laude distinctions for storing renewable energy 05 February 2019
Both Leon Jacobse and Thom Hersbach from Marc Koper's research group obtained their PhDs cum laude. They both investigated changes on the surface of a...
Chemists solve persistent problem after four decades 11 January 2019
After almost four decades, Leiden and Eindhoven chemists have resolved the discussion about the correct model for the simplest chemical reaction in he...
Promotional video for LMCat project released 14 December 2018
The European FET-Horizon2020 LMCat project of Dr. Irene Groot has released a promotional video showing the role graphene could play in our daily lives...
Collaboration between experimentalists and theoreticians is HOT 11 September 2018
A recent collaborative paper between researchers from the Theoretical Chemistry & Catalysis and Surface Chemistry groups has been chosen by the renown...
A step closer to sustainable energy from seawater 10 August 2018
The research group headed by Leiden chemist Marc Koper has discovered a catalyst that minimizes the production of chlorine gas during salt water elect...
Marc Koper new President International Society of Electrochemistry 03 July 2018
Marc Koper, Professor of Catalysis and Surface Chemistry, has been elected as President Elect of the International Society of Electrochemistry (ISE). ...
Irene Groot receives Vidi grant: looking at catalysts at atomic scale 01 June 2018
Catalysts are indispensable in everyday life. We know what they do and more or less how they do it, but we still lack a fundamental understanding abou...
Converting CO2 to store renewable energy 19 April 2018
Yuvraj Birdja converted CO2 to formic acid to store energy in a sustainable way, with different catalysts. With this new knowledge, scientists are a s...
Observing a changing platinum electrode 12 February 2018
The surface of platinum electrodes changes much more during use than was previously thought. In a collaboration between the Leiden Institutes of Chemi...
On the road to renewable fuel 02 February 2018
Greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere and fertilizers in the groundwater have negative consequences for our environment. With an electrochemical process...
Mechanism captured behind platinum catalyst 07 September 2017
Cars are equipped with catalysts to disarm toxic exhaust gases. Platinum plays an important role there. Leiden physicists and chemists have now for th...
Marc Koper wins 2017 Faraday Medal 23 February 2017
Leiden chemist Marc Koper is the winner of the 2017 Faraday Medal for his significant contribution to electrochemistry, from fundamental science to pr...
Marc Koper wins Brian Conway Prize 2016 for electrochemistry 14 July 2016
Marc Koper, Professor of Catalysis and surface chemistry, has won the Brian Conway Prize for Physical Electrochemistry of the International Society of...
Understanding hydrogen electrocatalysis 07 June 2016
Electrocatalysis will play an increasingly important role in future in the transition to more sustainable energy. Thanks to chemist Isis Ledezma Yanez...